Abstract—In this paper, we propose two techniques to improve the watermark extraction performance and accuracy. The First one is implemented in the embedding process by using a multiple duplicated watermark signals embedding method. The second technique is archived in the retrieval process by using adaptive retrieval algorithm selection to extract the watermark signal. The accuracy of the extracted watermark can be improved by applying these two concepts together. Sets of experiment are fulfilled to testify our proposed technique. The experimental results show the improvement in terms of Normal Correlation (NC) value, compared to the previous methods. The obtained results also perform better in terms of the robustness against various common imaging processing based attacks. Especially in cropping attacks, our proposed watermarking methods show significantly improvement over 0.2 on average in terms of NC compared to the previous proposed methods.
Index Terms—Adaptive retrieval algorithm selection, digital watermarking, multiple duplicated watermark signals embedding.
Komwit Surachat is with Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand (e-mail: komwit.s@psu.ac.th).
Cite: Komwit Surachat, "Digital Image Watermarking Improvement Using Multiple Duplicated Signals Embedding and Adaptive Retrieval Algorithm Selection Techniques," International Journal of Future Computer and Communication vol. 2, no. 1 pp. 18-22, 2013.
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