Abstract—Quality of Service provisioning, reduction of system delay, service fairness and effective resource utilization are all critical issues in the job scheduling design. Our scheduler gives a chance to all classes to have access to the bandwidth. This model can achieve load balance among resources of the same class and simultaneously decrease queueing delays for waiting packets. In order to avoid serious performance degradation for packets of lower classes, one resource handler is set up for all classes; not only to deal with packet dispatching but also to migrate packets between classes when necessary. User favors application service with a higher percentage of bandwidth in order to provide QoS. There is no packet drop in our implementation. This scheduler performance has been shown by comparing with Output Controlled Round Robin algorithm in terms of transmission rate, jitter, bandwidth, scheduling and latency.
Index Terms—Bandwidth based round robin, guaranteed service, maxmin fair scheduling, robust opportunistic scheduling.
D. Rosy Salomi Victoria is with the Dept. of CSE, St. Joseph’s College of
Engineering, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India ( e-mail: rosysalomi@yahoo.com)
S. Senthil Kumar is with the Dept. of EEE, Government College of
Engineering, Salem, Tamilnadu, India (e-mail: sengce2009@yahoo.in)
Cite: D. Rosy Salomi Victoria, and S. Senthil Kumar, "Efficient Bandwidth Allocation for Packet Scheduling," International Journal of Future Computer and Communication vol. 1, no. 4 pp. 381-384, 2012.
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