Abstract—Background subtraction is widely used method of detecting moving objects in static background in computer vision fields. In this paper, we present real-time background subtraction method for video avatar system or video conferencing without blue screen. We observed the noise of digital camera and made a range matrix for background masking. Noise reductions were applied to both background and mask using median filter blurring and open operation. Our experiment was performed using notebook PC and built-in webcam. The results showed our approach is feasible to real-time indoor environments.
Index Terms—Computer Vision, Background Subtraction, Video Avatar, Indoor.
This research is supported by Keio University Global COE (Center of education and research of symbiotic, safe and secure system design) Program.
The authors are with Visual Simulation Laboratory, Graduate School of System Design and Management, Keio University, Yokohama, Japan (e-mail: hasups@sdm.keio.ac.jp, tateyama@sdm.keio.ac.jp, ogi@sdm.keio.ac.jp)
Cite: Hasup Lee, Yoshisuke Tateyama, and Tetsuro Ogi, "Real-time Background Subtraction for Video Avatar," International Journal of Future Computer and Communication vol. 2, no. 1 pp. 41-43, 2013.
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