Abstract—With the deepening of Internet applications,
people increasingly dependent on the network, the Internet has
revolutionized the way people live. Internet has gradually
become an indispensable tool for daily life. But with the
deepening of Internet applications, once the network paralysis,
will result in huge economic losses. The Internet is a huge open a
system, its own design and implementation of the agreement
that there are many defects, plus upper layer application
software itself vulnerabilities, the security of the Internet has
increasingly become a focal point. This paper presents a
wavelet-based preprocessing algorithm for early warning of
worms. And malicious attacks on users to make a special packet
processing. The terminal server to a reasonable allocation of its
resources. To avoid consuming resources during an attack, the
malicious user abuse of resources is a result of normal user
cannot obtain effective services.
Index Terms—Network resources, consumption-based
attacks, network security
Xiaolin Qiao is with the Shenzhen Polytechnic, Nanshan District,
Shenzhen, Guangdong, China (e-mail: xiaolin102@126.com).
Cite:Xiao Lin Qiao, "Mitigation of Abuse Attack for Large Scale Network," International Journal of Future Computer and Communication vol. 2, no. 6, pp. 1-4, 2014.