Abstract—This paper proposes implementation of linear
observer and full state feedback controller using pole placement
method for second order system. System consists of two 1st
order differential equations, solved using Euler and Runge
Kutta-2(RK-2) method and linear observer implemented on
FPGA Vietex-5 platform. Sampling rate of 0.1 millisecond is
achieved for hardware co-simulation of linear observer. Direct
comparison of resource utilisation to implement linear observer,
accuracy and complexity for Euler and RK-2 methods is
Index Terms—FPGA, linear observer, euler, runge kutta-2,
system generator.
The authors are with the College of Engineering Pune, India (e-mail:
ranaravindra08@gmail.com,: atmaja.thakur1@gmail.com).
Cite:Ravindra S. Rana and Bharti Kumari, "FPGA Implementation of Linear Observer," International Journal of Future Computer and Communication vol. 2, no. 6, pp. 14-17, 2014.