Abstract—Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANET) play an
important role in future on road Vehicle-to-Vehicle
communication systems and related applications like
self-organizing, acquiring traffic information using sensors and
disseminating it to the nearby vehicles, which are based on
broadcast/geocast transmission schemes. It is a challenging task
to manage networks in a dynamic environment due to the
characteristic of high mobility rate, high relative speed,
different driver behaviors and unpredictable link failure
occurrences. One of the main criteria in VANETs that has
attracted the researchers' consideration is congestion control.
Congestion is a major problem all over world, resulting in
wastage of valuable time and money. In this paper, we propose
multi agent based congestion control scheme, which
intelligently acquires the status of the neighboring node
information and decides the congestion free path for the safe
delivery of packets. Multi agent scheme consists of set of static
and mobile agents. Proposed approach guarantees the
reliability and timely delivery of messages. Multi agent based
scheme exhibits better bandwidth usage and packet delivery
ratio and minimizes the latency
Index Terms—VANETs, multi agent, latency, bandwidth,
congestion control.
The authors are with the Electronics and Communication Department,
Basaveshwar Engineering College, Bagalkot-587102, Karnataka, India
(e-mail: ramesh_koti@sify.com, mahabalesh_sk@yahoo.co.in).
Cite:Ramesh B. Koti and Mahabaleshwar S. K., "Multi Agent Based Congestion Control in VANETs," International Journal of Future Computer and Communication vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 102-104, 2014.