Abstract—This paper proposes an area-based WCDS-induced routing protocol for large-scale wireless sensor/mesh networks (WSN/WMNs). A large network is divided into a number of smaller sub-networks, called area sub-networks (ASNs). Both centralized and distributed area-based WCDS formation algorithms are presented. Within an ASN, a novel virtual cluster (VC) based Intra-ASN routing protocol is proposed. The VC-based routing protocol classifies the routing paths into Intra-VC and Inter-VC two types. The Intra-VC routing eliminates the unavailability of shortest paths when WCDS virtual backbone is used. The Inter-VC routing guarantees the shortest path between two communicating VCs is obtained, associated with the minimum number of traversed VCs. A hybrid table driven and on-demand routing protocol, namely Area Border Routing Protocol (ABRP), is proposed for Inter-ASN communications. The ABRP also guarantees that the shortest path is obtained for any pair of communicating VCs that belong to two different ASNs. Finally, performance issues as well as problems and mitigation of the proposed WCDS-induced routing protocol are discussed.
Index Terms—Weakly connected dominating set, large-scale wireless sensor/mesh networks, routing protocol, virtual cluster.
The authors are with the Electrical Engineering Department, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Touliu, 640 Yunlin, Taiwan (e-mail: {douc, m10112318, m10012306}@ yuntech.edu.tw).
Cite: C. Dou, Y. H. Chang, and J. S. Ruan, "An Area-Based WCDS-Induced Routing Protocol for Large-Scale Wireless Sensor/Mesh Networks," International Journal of Future Computer and Communication vol. 3, no. 5, pp. 295-303, 2014.