Abstract—The method of obtaining the physical
co-ordinates of a device is known as localization. Location
information of the wireless devices in a network has many
applications. Generally we use GPS (Global Positioning
System) to get the location but it fails to provide the service in
an indoor environment. Therefore we need a local positioning
system, which can provide the relative location information in
a network. Many approaches has been made for wireless
localization using the distance obtained through Time of
Arrival (ToA), Time Difference of Arrival (TDoA), Received
Signal Strength (RSS) etc.. The proposed m e t h o d uses RSS
with minimum overhead compared to conventional
multiliteration techniques. Due to the growing importance of
security in Wi-Fi, the location information has been used
for intrusion detection. The proposed model compares the
intruder information with preset profile of genuine devices
for full proof detection of the intrusion. It has been observed
that the model outperforms its counterparts.
Index Terms—Intrusion detection, wireless security,
The authors are with the Department of Computer Science and
Engineering, National Institute of Technology Rourkela, India (e-mail:
dalai.asish@gmail.com, skjena@nitrkl.ac.in).
Cite: Asish Kumar Dalai and Sanjay Kumar Jena, "Intruder Identification in IEEE 802.11 Wireless
Infrastructure Using Localization," International Journal of Future Computer and Communication vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 372-376, 2014.