Abstract—Due to their limited capabilities, mobile devices
have rarely been adopted as attack vectors. In this paper, we
consider the execution of coordinated and distributed attacks
perpetrated by mobile devices (mobile botnet). We first
describe current botnets architectures, analyzing their
strengths and weaknesses. Then, we identify problems deriving
from the development of a mobile botnet. Appropriate
solutions to such problems have been proposed, thus providing
an important resource during design and development stages
of a mobile botnet.⎯
Index Terms—Distributed attacks, network attacks, network
security, system architecture, smartphones, denial of service.
The authors are with National Research Council, Genoa, Italy (email:
o@ieiit.cnr.it, maurizio.aiello@ieiit.cnr.it).
Cite: Paolo Farina, Enrico Cambiaso, Gianluca Papaleo, and Maurizio Aiello, "Mobile Botnets Development: Issues and Solutions," International Journal of Future Computer and Communication vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 385-390, 2014.