Abstract—Real-time applicationisone of the internet-based
applications that function with in a time frame that require a
quick response between client and server. It has been improved
to fulfill user’s demand towards Next Generation
Network(NGN), by injecting intensive and media-rich elements
in the applications. All these innovations need sufficient
bandwidth to ensure them to be delivered continuously,
smoothly and successfully to the end users. However, current
scenario has seen the internet population has raised rapidly so
does the potential size of its traffic hat give significant impact
to the online service. Hence, an efficient infrastructure is
required to satisfy the demand of internet applications such as
multimedia streaming. In this paper, we describe a frame work
to allocate a temporary server to serve local clients within the
same network domain during high traffic. This proposal has
been tested on video streaming application to see the continuity
of the service.
Index Terms—Temporary server, secondary server, primary
server, service continuity, next generation network.
Rajina R. Mohamed is with the UNITEN, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (email:
Cite: Rajina R. Mohamed, "Temporary Server for Service Continuity in Next
Generation Network," International Journal of Future Computer and Communication vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 391-394, 2014.