Abstract—Objective of this paper is to create optimized
Schedule for a set of jobs on a single machine which minimize
the total early and tardy penalty. No preemption of jobs is
allowed while scheduling. During the process of scheduling, no
machine idle time is allowed and the jobs are assumed to be
continuously available. This problem of reducing the machine
idle time is an NP class problem. The proposed bee schedule
algorithm uses the swarm intelligence approach to solve the
single machine early/tardy scheduling problem. The solution
obtained using the proposed algorithm contains a local selective
search procedure to further improve the schedule. This helps to
fine tune and achieve more optimal solution to this scheduling
problem. The pairwise interchange procedure is also
implemented on the schedule obtained in several passes till the
range value is obtained, thus attaining the best solution to the
problem. The proposed algorithm is tested and found that it
outperforms the existing algorithms like dynamic programming
and genetic algorithms. Experimental analysis proves that the
proposed algorithm is suitable for similar problems also.
Index Terms—Bee schedule algorithm, early/tardy
scheduling, NP class problem, single machine scheduling.
The authors are with the Department of Computer Science and
Engineering at Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, India
(e-mail: mahavishnu.vc@gmail.com, senthilvel.cit.cse@gmail.com,
Cite: V. C. Mahavishnu, A. N. Senthilvel, and S. Umamaheswari, "Bee Colony Optimization Solution to Single Machine Just
in Time Scheduling Problem," International Journal of Future Computer and Communication vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 400-404, 2014.