Abstract—This paper focuses on solving the problem of
Internet IP.Then we studied the RPL Routing Protocol which
is suitable for this requirement,through simulation verified
it.In the simulation we used 20 nodes to test,forming the
DAG,RPL’s control messages were verified.In order to verify
the RPL,we collected the DIO, DAO and DIS messages and
observed its networking process in the hardware
experiments.At last,it verified the feasibility and reliability of
the RPL.
Index Terms—IoT WSN, RPL routing protocol, simulation,
hardware implementation.
The authors are with Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China (e-mail:
838174216r@qq.com, hongxinli@lzu.edu.cn).
Cite: Jinghan Wang and Hongxin Li, "Researching and Hardware Implementation of RPL
Routing Protocol Based on the Contiki Operating System," International Journal of Future Computer and Communication vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 411-414, 2014.