Abstract—Recommender systems are information filtering
and decision support tools aimed at addressing problems
encountered by online browsers. Recommender systems have
been applied in many diverse areas including e-commerce,
advertising, news, document management and e-learning. The
existence of mobile technologies that offer online services
anywhere and anytime would make recommender systems
useful to mobile users. This research designed and developed a
service location discovery recommender system that can help
mobile users to find places where they can receive services best
suited to them. Experimental results were generated and
analyzed to test the efficacy of the generic service location
discovery recommender system for mobile users.
Index Terms—Recommender system, decision support,
information filtering, evaluation metrics.
The authors are with the Department of Computer Systems Engineering,
Soshanguve South Campus, South Africa (e-mail: tzuva@hotmail.com,
Cite: Tranos Zuva and Keneilwe Zuva, "Generic Service Location Discovery Recommender
System for Mobile Users," International Journal of Future Computer and Communication vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 432-435, 2014.