Abstract—Database encryption is a fundamental technique in
the security mechanisms of database that is characterized by
both the fast speed of the conventional encryption and the
convenience of key distribution of public key encryption. There
are two problems with traditional database encryption schemes.
They show tradeoff between efficiency and security.
Furthermore, these schemes can’t solve the problem of storing
multi-level encrypted elements into database besides having no
ability for effective key management. In this paper, a new
paradigm for database encryption is proposed in which
database encryption can be provided as a service to applications
with seamless access to encrypted database. The proposed
system utilizes a chaotic encryption method based on cellular
automata to realize higher complexity of crypt-analytical
attacks. Cellular Automata rules are defined based on chaos
mapping to generate a symmetric key. Furthermore, a fuzzy
observer based scheme for synchronizing chaotic keys of
encrypted signal is employed to enhance key distribution. The
suggested system have some advantages such as confusion,
diffusion, very large number of passwords helped in building of
symmetric private key, key-dependent mapping and increasing
system complexity with the impact of indefinite rules and chaos
mapping. Simulation results obtained from some database
demonstrate the strong performance of the proposed
encryption system.
Index Terms—Database encryption, fuzzy chaotic, cellular
automata, security.
Saad M. Darwish and Adel A. El-Zoghabi is with the Department of
Information Technology, Institute of Graduate Studies and Research,
Alexandria University, 163 Horreya Avenue, El-Shatby 21526, P.O. Box
832, Alexandria, Egypt (e-mail: saad.saad@alexu.edu.eg,
Mohammed A. Abdewi is with the Department of Computer and
Information, Ministry of Education, Iraq (e-mail:
Cite: Saad M. Darwish, Adel A. El-Zoghabi, and Mohammed A. Abdewi, "Saad M. Darwish, Adel A. El-Zoghabi, and Mohammed A. Abdewi," International Journal of Future Computer and Communication vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 436-443, 2014.