Abstract—During creativity workshops, participants and
creativity quizmasters work together in a collaborative way to
generate new ideas. They will follow the creativity process
based on different phases: discover the topic, apply the
creativity methods, generate ideas, formalize ideas, share and
evaluate their ideas and select innovative ideas. Up to now, the
creativity workshops use simple tools like paperboards, post-its
or idea sheets to capture their ideas. With such tools they don’t
have the possibility to evaluate, compare, share and select their
ideas. In this paper we describe the architecture of a multi agent
system called CIMAS (Creativity Ideas Managed by Agent
Systems) which helps the participants in a creativity workshop
t o generate, capture, collect and select their ideas.
Index Terms—Multi agent system, creativity, ideas ontology
The authors are with the ERPI laboratory of the University of Lorraine,
Nancy, 54 000 France (e-mail: davy.monticolo@ univ-lorraine.fr,
imona.mihaita@ univ-lorraine.fr).
Cite:Davy Monticolo and Simona Mihaita, "A Multi Agent System to Manage Ideas during
Collaborative Creativity Workshops," International Journal of Future Computer and Communication vol. 2, no. 6, pp. 66-70, 2014.